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Student Paper Writing


Comprehensive evaluations are provided to assess your child's strengths and weaknesses.  This enables us to determine the need, focus and intensity for speech and language services.  Evaluations may include case history information, formal and informal assessments, observation and parent/caregiver report.  Every evaluation will include a written report, suggested treatment plan and review of results.


Individualized Therapy

Individualized therapy sessions are taylored to your child's needs .  We provide fun and engaging sessions that use evidence-based treatment techniques to target the child's goals.   Carry-over and home-practice suggestions are also provided to the parents/caregiver.

Services: Services

Specialty Areas

Phonological Disorder

A phonological disorder is a speech sound disorder that is characterized by predictable, rule-based error patterns that affect more than one sound (e.g., deleting final consonants in words).  Many children with a phonological disorder are highly unintelligible and parent often have to "interpret" what their child is saying.    Phonological treatment targets a group of sounds with similar error patterns rather than individual sounds.

Articulation Disorder

An articulation disorder is a speech sound disorder that focuses on errors, such as distortions and substitutions, when producing individual speech sounds (e.g., producing "w" for "r").  Articulation treatment targets each individual sound error.

Expressive Language Disorder

An expressive language disorder is when a child struggles to express thoughts, ideas and information verbally, non-verbally or in written form.  This can include vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure and social use of language.

Receptive Language Disorder

A receptive language disorder is when a child has difficulty understanding and comprehending the meaning of language when listening and reading.  This may include difficulty following directions and understanding questions, grammar and age-appropriate vocabulary.

Services: List
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